Tezmaksan Akademi signature on vocational education

Tezmaksan Akademi signature on vocational education

As Tezmaksan Akademi, we are riding high in sectoral education with special trainings, seminars, courses, books we publish and social responsibility projects we implement.

Tezmaksan Akademi signature on vocational education

As Tezmaksan Akademi, we are riding high in sectoral education with special trainings, seminars, courses, books we publish and social responsibility projects we implement.

We established Tezmaksan Akademi in 2015 in order to produce solutions to meet the educated workforce needs of the machining industry, to transfer technological developments to new generations and to the components of the sector, to contribute to the Turkish industry by increasing the employment quality with the bridge we established between industry and education.

In order to realize these lofty goals, we organize special trainings, seminars, courses, publish information and reference resources, and implement social responsibility projects through Tezmaksan Akademi.

We give hope to the CNC world with our hundreds of events

As Tezmaksan Akademi, which stands out with its CNC Academy quality, since 2015,

  • We organize free CNC and CNC Machine Operator trainings and factory tours.
  • We create an inventory for education with the CNC Operator's Handbook, Practical Troubleshooting Handbook for CNC Operators, Lives Shaped by Lathe, Lives Shaped by Lathe-II and CNC Machining Centers Textbooks.
  • We provide seminars with the title of "Lives Shaped by Lathe" all over our country.
  • We carried the target of meeting the educated personnel need of our sector to an advanced stage with the "Tezmaksan Class" opened in Private İkitelli OSB Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, and we continue to do so.
  • We work with the R. Ministry of National Education in our vocational education programs, so we train educators to improve their professional knowledge as well as students. As the first and only institution in the sector to provide vocational training to educators, we provide free CNC training to MEB technical and vocational high school teachers.
  • We are holding CNC operator-business meetings with the Private Employment Office.
  • With the Eastern Provinces Project, we hosted the students of Siirt University, Bingöl University and Mardin Artuklu University in Istanbul for versatile CNC training and factory tours.
  • During the pandemic period, we organized online training on many different topics, including online CNC courses.

We provide CNC trainings to companies in their own production tracks

Increasing the production efficiency and performance of the enterprises in the use of CNC day by day can only be achieved with trained, self-developing and motivated employees. As Tezmaksan Akademi, we analyze the business and education world with Tezmaksan Makina's years of knowledge and experience, and we design special vocational training programs for your employees according to your needs. By working in cooperation with the best trainers and institutions in Turkey, we are planning special trainings to offer high quality service in your company. At the end of the training, we measure the success of your candidates with the online exam method and share the results with your human resources department.

Via our Online Education Portal www.tezmaksanakademi.com;

  • You can watch our free CNC Training videos,
  • You can apply online to our CNC Training classes,
  • You can review the training calendars of our classes,
  • You can determine your level by participating in CNC Leveling exams,
  • You can request CNC Books and seminars,
  • You can access the CNC Education document archive,
  • You can evaluate job opportunities, create a resume for job application.


Importance of trained CNC operator in sustainability

We reinforce the relationship between sustainability and education through Tezmaksan Akademi services, which thousands of students, teachers, CNC operators and CNC operator candidates benefit from all over Turkey. Because trained staff means that highly sensitive CNC machines and systems are used with full performance by trained minds and trained hands, which means a reduction in all cost items, including person/hour, and a reduction in carbon footprint for companies.
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