Our Sustainability Perspective
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Our Sustainability Perspective

We work together with our employees, suppliers, customers and all other stakeholders by putting the principle of creating “common value” at the center of our work.

The business environment in which we operate is shaped by the impact of global megatrends that bring great opportunities along with new constraints. Putting sustainability at the center of our strategy enables us to leverage these trends to create new opportunities and contribute to international goals such as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. We continue our activities with the aim of “becoming a solution partner that increases the production power of the Turkish industry”.

Our Tezmaksan Sustainability Report, in which we transparently share the projects and activities we have realized and the targets we have committed, shares our sustainability strategy and activities under three main headings:


In the High Added Value, Advanced Technology part, we describe the sustainability-oriented innovative projects and technologies we have developed to increase the efficiency of the industry, and the long-term, sustainable relationship models we have created with our stakeholders. 

In the Investment in the New Generation Industrial Society part, we give the investments we make in people and society for the sustainability of the industry.In the Environmentally Respectful Operations part, we share the effects of our operations on the environment and what we plan to minimize these effects.

Click to read our sustainability approach and activities in detail.

You can send us all your questions, comments and suggestions regarding our reports and sustainability studies via the info@tezmaksan.com e-mail address.


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