Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility

As Tezmaksan Akademi, we have been increasing the interest in our sector with the trainings we have carried out since 2015, and we have brought hundreds of students, teachers and CNC operators to our industry.

As the first and only institution in our sector to provide vocational training to educators, we provide free CNC training to MEB (Ministry of National Education) technical and vocational high school teachers. We also provide free CNC trainings and seminars to students of technical and vocational high schools and undergraduate programs. To date, we have organized and continue to organize 195 Lives Shaped by Lathes seminar in 46 cities across Turkey with 50 thousand participants. We are walking with the "Tezmaksan Class" to meet the need for educated personnel of the sector, and with the Eastern Provinces Project to our goal of developing our sector from the East to the West, and we continue the online trainings we started during the pandemic period.

We Shape the Future with Our Books

In addition to the CNC Operator's Handbook, which has reached its 7th edition and that we have distributed 70 thousand free-of-charge to schools and companies in our country, Lives Shaped by Lathe-I and II, CNC Machining Centers Lecture Notes and Practical Troubleshooting Handbook for CNC Operators are meeting with target audiences all over the country.

We are proud of our book titled "Did You Say There Could Be No Women Industrialists?", which is a part of our "Women's Hand in Industry" project. In our book, there are very special success stories of 21 women out of a large number of women who did not accept the role of being a mother and wife and proved themselves by entering the male-dominated industrial sector and even crossed the borders of the country with their success in production and export.

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