Energy Saving Module

Energy Saving Module

Our aim with the Energy Module is to provide instantaneous graphical and tabular analysis of the temperature, load, vibration and electrical values ​​coming from the machine.

Thanks to the Energy Module (Energy Suite), instant graphs of “temperature”, “vibration”, “load” and “electricity” values ​​are displayed in the form of an instant table, and when these values ​​reach a certain level, notification is sent as a push notification. While push notification and all transactions are kept in the log, the privilege of manually adding-deleting-updating all table and graph values ​​is also obtained. While all graphic values ​​can be printed (Excel-PDF-A4), regular reporting is also performed with the "PowerBI Reporting system". Users have the opportunity to receive PowerBI reports daily.

All incoming values ​​come every 6 seconds. These incoming values ​​are provided to the user with a push notification when values ​​that are well below or well above the machine reference values ​​are reflected.

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